Pediatric Compounding in Billings, MT

Close-up of a mother medicating her daughter.

Introduction to Pediatric Compounding

Pediatric prescription compounding is a specialized field that involves the preparation of customized medications for young patients. Compounding pharmacists work closely with parents and pediatricians to ensure that the medications they prepare are safe and effective for each individual child. The process of compounding medication is highly regulated, and compounding pharmacies must adhere to strict quality standards.

If you are a parent of a child who needs compounded medication, it is important to work with a compounding pharmacy. The pharmacists here at Juro's Pharmacy Health & Wellness have extensive experience in compounding pediatric medications. Read on to learn more about pediatric compounding, and contact us today to learn more about how we can help your child get the custom treatment they need. We serve Billings, MT, and our neighbors from Laurel.

Common Uses for Pediatric Compounding

There are many reasons why a child might need compounded medication. Some of the most common reasons include:

  • Allergies: Many children are allergic to ingredients in mass-produced medications, such as dyes or fillers. A compounding pharmacist can prepare a customized medication that does not contain the ingredients to which your child is allergic.
  • Dosage: Sometimes, a child needs a higher or lower dose of a medication than what is commercially available. A compounding pharmacist can prepare a customized medication at the desired dose.
  • Flavor: Children often have trouble taking medications that taste bad. A compounding pharmacist can add flavoring to a medication to make it more palatable.
  • Availability: There are some medications that are simply not available in commercial form. A compounding pharmacist can prepare these medications on an individual basis.

Close-up of a little girl cover ears with her hands.

Sensory Processing Disorder

Some children have trouble taking medications due to sensory processing disorder (SPD). SPD is a condition in which the brain has difficulty processing information from the senses. This can make it difficult for a child to take medications that have an unpleasant taste, smell, or texture.
A compounding pharmacist can prepare a customized medication for a child with SPD that is easier to take. For example, a medicine that is normally a pill can be prepared as a liquid, or a medication that has an unpleasant flavor can be flavored to make it more palatable.
If your child has SPD, talk to your compounding pharmacist about how they can help make taking medication easier for your child.

Juro’s Pharmacy Health & Wellness is licensed to sell prescriptions in Montana, Wyoming, and Minnesota. Our pharmacy is located in Billings, MT. We look forward to working with you!