Pracasil for Wound & Scar Therapy

Praca-sil Plus for scar therapy in Billings

Helping reduce the need to hide scars.

At Juro's Pharmacy, we offer treatment options for many different types of wounds and scars. Compounding topical creams for the treatment of wound or scars allows the combination of active ingredients to target and improve the scar or wound texture, size, and color. A topical cream that can be used locally is a great alternative method to minimize the side effects that may occur with medications that are absorbed systemically.

PracaSil-Plus is a topical anhydrous silicone base that we use in scar therapy. It has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, and antifungal properties which help smooth and soften the scarred area. When used in combination with other active ingredients, this compound medication has shown to be successful in treating and healing scars. Studies have evidence of amazing results when used exactly as directed. Not only is this therapy ideal for new scars but also works on old scars, stretch marks, surgical scars, keloids, burn scars, acne scars, and any other skin conditions that need barrier protection.

Recent Case Study:

Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is a type of skin cancer that arises from the uncontrolled growth of basal cells lining the deepest layer of the epidermis. There is a high incidence of BCC as over 2 million people are estimated to be diagnosed with BCC every year in the United States, with a higher prevalence in the Caucasian population. The etiology of BCC is usually associated with exposure to ultraviolet radiation in sunlight.    

This Case Study discusses  the management of a basal cell carcinoma post-surgical scar using PracaSil-Plus in a 41-year-old Caucasian male.pracsil

Following surgical excision of the affected tissue, skin from the forehead was used to patch the tip of the nose. The photos above show the progression of healing while using PracaSil-Plus over a period of eleven months. The use of PracaSil-Plus  produced  a significant reduction of all scar parameters, from scar sensation (pain and itching) to scar appearance (color, stiffness, thickness and irregularity), indicating significant improvements in scar quality following PracaSilPlus treatment. 

Praca-SilPlus-BasalCell... the complete Case Study.

To learn more about Praca-Sil Plus, please contact us. > 

Created for Scar Formulation and Prevention

PracaSil Plus Scar Gel (2)

PracaSil-Plus features a proprietary blend of ingredients, including silicones (in a semipermeable polymer network) and pracaxi oil (which is rich in skin-friendly fatty acids and lipids), it has been helping make a huge difference for patients who want to improve the appearance of scars, including keloid and acne scars.


  • Appropriate for New or Old Scars

  • Promotes a Soothing and Nurturing Environment

  • Rich in Skin-Friendly Fatty Acids and Lipids

  • Provides Long-Lasting Moisturization, Protecting the Skin's Barrier and Reducing Water Loss  

  • Formulated Without Gluten, Casein, Dye and Parabens, Among Other Allergens